Free use of cloud platform, Andriod and IOS Application, and WeChat Application (all neutral)
Before the samples are shipped, Oviphone will help to set up an account (account name: provide by Customer, default account name will be Company name or phone number; password: 123456) and bind the device
Customer can also log in to the mobile Application (or cloud platform) to cancel the account, re-register the account and password they need, and bind the device
I. Mobile Application(trial account name: aidaytest,password:123456)
1. APP
i. Download the Application in IOS Store "aiday", or Andriod Mobile Applcation with "爱戴“
ii. Download form the link:
iii. or Scan the QR Code
2. Wechat Application
Wechat search“爱心戴”application, or scan QR code
II. Cloud Platform
Out of china Google map Login:
In China Mainland:
Login Address:
https Login Address:
IP Address Login:
1. Platform user menu: your can find the user menu in plaform help
2. Platform support English version, Chinese Simple / Traditional. if you have any other language requirement, please check with Oviphone.
3. You can chage the platform "logo“ and ”title"
4. Platform management: There is no limit to the number of devices. (Mobile client: suitable for managing and viewing up to 100 devices)
5. Platform account: Batch management of devices (binding and unbinding), sub account management (adding, deleting, permissions)
6. Account Description:
i. One account can be linked to multiple devices; A device can also be bound to multiple accounts
ii. Only the primary account (the account bound for the first time) can unbind the device
iii. Devices that have already been bound to the main account will send a message to the main account APP for authorization before binding to other accounts
III. Customize Requirement(please contact with Oviphone) 云平台和手机客户端部署配置和商务-V3.3.pptx
服务器部署要求-Platform Deployment Requirement-English.pptx
1. Platform Deployment, Mobile application customize
2. Platform Cloud, and Mobile Application: Source Code purchase requirment
3. Other Customize (we can provide any customize requrirement, such as Device ODM/OEM, device function and feature customize, Platform function, mobile Application costomize, etc)